ПЕКИН, 12 окт — РИА Новости, Жанна Манукян. В Китае смартфон iPhone 7 неожиданно взорвался в руках владельца, пишут местные СМИ.
Как пишет газета China Daily, видео с рассказом жителя города Чжэнчжоу о случившемся появилось в сети. Инцидент произошел на прошлой неделе, когда мужчина использовал видеокамеру своего iPhone 7.
Телефон раскололся на две части, а владелец получил небольшие травмы лица и рук.
Это первый подобный случай в Китае.
Сообщается, что представительство Apple в Китае уже доложило о ЧП в штаб-квартиру компании.
While the explosion of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is not far behind us, a video of an iPhone 7 exploding in China surfaced online on Monday, The Paper reports.
In the video, a man from Zhengzhou, central China's Henan province, said that his rose-gold iPhone 7 suddenly exploded as he was shooting a video with it last week. The phone exploded into two parts and left his hands swollen and his face with some injuries.
Unlike the Galaxy Note 7's explosion, which smoked excessively after burning, this iPhone 7 exploded leaving no burn marks, and the battery remained in good condition.
Apple China reported the incident to its headquarters, says The Paper.
This is the first known iPhone 7 explosion in China, but it was not an isolated incident within the world. An iPhone 6 Plus in California, US, exploded with black smoke as it was charged and the phone was completely, the ABC News reported.
Earlier this week, an iPhone 6 Plus belonging to Darina Hlavaty, an American student, burned suddenly during a class, leaving a burnt hole in her jeans.
For now, there is no evidence that these are isolated incidents and will not happen again. Apple Inc has not disclosed the measures it will take to resolve this issue.
Как пишет газета China Daily, видео с рассказом жителя города Чжэнчжоу о случившемся появилось в сети. Инцидент произошел на прошлой неделе, когда мужчина использовал видеокамеру своего iPhone 7.
Телефон раскололся на две части, а владелец получил небольшие травмы лица и рук.
Это первый подобный случай в Китае.
Сообщается, что представительство Apple в Китае уже доложило о ЧП в штаб-квартиру компании.
While the explosion of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is not far behind us, a video of an iPhone 7 exploding in China surfaced online on Monday, The Paper reports.
In the video, a man from Zhengzhou, central China's Henan province, said that his rose-gold iPhone 7 suddenly exploded as he was shooting a video with it last week. The phone exploded into two parts and left his hands swollen and his face with some injuries.
Unlike the Galaxy Note 7's explosion, which smoked excessively after burning, this iPhone 7 exploded leaving no burn marks, and the battery remained in good condition.
Apple China reported the incident to its headquarters, says The Paper.
This is the first known iPhone 7 explosion in China, but it was not an isolated incident within the world. An iPhone 6 Plus in California, US, exploded with black smoke as it was charged and the phone was completely, the ABC News reported.
Earlier this week, an iPhone 6 Plus belonging to Darina Hlavaty, an American student, burned suddenly during a class, leaving a burnt hole in her jeans.
For now, there is no evidence that these are isolated incidents and will not happen again. Apple Inc has not disclosed the measures it will take to resolve this issue.